Voice Killerz

Joseph Ward: Guitar and Vocals
Steven Ward: Guitar and Vocals
Sam Holly: Bass
Tim Funk: Drums

This is a band that most members would not admit that they were ever a part of, however, I feel this was a still a large growing period for myself.  After marrying a Canadian, the US immigration department required us to live in Canada while applying for citizenship.  During this time, I was able to get together with my brothers-in-law, Joe and Steven, and their next door neighbor Sam.  They pretty much let me join their band after their foreign exchange student drummer, Fernando Córdova, went back to Mexico.

Bands are really like a family, and this was the first time family was really involved in my band.  I couldn’t think of a better way of getting to know your in-laws that playing in a band with them.  In all honesty, the music is pretty terrible with the exception of a few songs.  We have all grown up and gotten better since then, but we played some pretty great shows and it gave me something to do during my stay in the Great North.

Voice Killerz