The Ivory Club

Sarah Ward: Piano
Joseph Ward: Guitar
Tim Funk: Drums

Many people who know my wife may not know this, but she is an exceptional pianist. Her brother Joe (guitarist from the Voice Killerz) was in town during the month of October in 2007 and we decided to write some songs while we had him. It was a really inspiring visit and what came of it were these two songs. Needless to say this wasn’t much of a band, but every time I come back to these songs it’s a breath of fresh air. The first song “STJ”, was just a great jam that we labeled as each of our first name initials. The second song called “Ginger” was named after the only other living soul that ever saw us performed, who also happened to be our cat. Both songs were recorded live in our kitchen in Saratoga Springs Utah.

The Ivory Club – Kitchen Recordings