
Hey Everyone,cropped-IMG_8046.jpg

I love music and more especially playing music. These days I play in a band in Seattle called Tinfoil and Tape, so if you want to see what I’m up to now, go to our site here.

This page, however, is dedicated to all of the musicians I have ever collaborated with, all of the fantastic teachers I have had over the years, and any other engineer, producer, manager, and fan that made these recordings possible.  These recordings have been the pride and joy of my lifetime and I will forever cherish them.  Please listen, and enjoy!


Tinfoil and Tape 2014 – Present

Harmonautica (Blood Funk) 2007 – 2011

Casino Junction 2009

The Ivory Club 2007

Voice Killerz 2005 – 2006

Shallow End (Metzner) 2004

pdex 1999 – 2002

Lucid 1998 – 1999